
Amazon recently announced that it’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) now supports running Kubernetes pods on AWS Fargate. Amazon is putting a lot of resources into their serverless products and this new feature allows us to run Kubernetes in a “serverless” mode. I am pretty excited about being able to run Kubernetes pods in Fargate as this reduces the overhead to run Kubernetes applications as there is no need to run any EC2 worker nodes anymore.

This article will cover the following topics:

  • Differences between running a traditional EKS cluster and running EKS on AWS Fargate
  • How to bring up a new EKS cluster which can run pods on Fargate

Getting Started

AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate lets developers build and deploy containerized applications without having to manage any underlying infrastructure. It reduces a lot of the friction involved with being able to deploy applications. We did a deep dive on Fargate earlier which is available here.

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

EKS is Amazon’s fully managed Kubernetes Service that lets people run Kubernetes on AWS without having to manage the Kubernetes control plane. It reduces the operational overhead that comes with having to manage and run the control plane.

What is the benefit of EKS on Fargate?

To run pods, EKS requires worker nodes running on EC2 instances. EKS recently announced support for managed node groups which lets users provision worker nodes for the EKS cluster from the CLI or the console. However, this feature is only available to clusters running on Kubernetes version 1.14.

EKS on Fargate removes the need for provisioning any EC2 instances. Amazon manages the lifecycle of the pod and spins up a Fargate worker node to run your pods. You are only billed for the amount of time the pod is running.

It is also possible to have a hybrid cluster where certain applications are run on EC2 worker nodes and others on Fargate.

There are certain limitations with running applications on Fargate:

  • There is a maximum of 4 vCPU and 30Gb memory per pod.
  • No support for stateful workloads that require persistent volumes yet.
  • Only load balancer that is supported is the Application Load balancer.

How to setup an EKS cluster on Fargate


The following tools will be used during the tutorial:

  • eksctl: Official CLI to create a new EKS cluster.
  • kubectl: CLI to interact with the kubernetes API server
  • AWS CLI + Docker: We will use Docker and the AWS CLI to build and push a Docker image for our application.

Setting up

Create a new EKS cluster with Fargate

The following command creates a new EKS cluster named fargate-tutorial-cluster with Fargate enabled. Creating a new cluster can take almost 15-20 minutes to finish so be patient once you run this.

eksctl create cluster \
--name fargate-tutorial-cluster \
--version 1.14 \
--region us-east-2 \
--fargate \

A deeper look into the command we ran above:

  • name: Name of the cluster we want to create
  • region: Only allowed regions for EKS on Fargate currently are: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
  • fargate: This creates a Fargate profile, which is used to run Kubernetes pods as Fargate tasks. This fargate profile has access to the default and kube-system namespaces
  • ALB ingress access: EKS on Fargate only supports the Application Load Balancer (ALB) so this flag helps setup some of the scaffolding required to setup an ALB to work with EKS.

To learn more about what this command is doing under the hood, see eksctl create cluster --help

If everything is setup correctly, you should see output like this:

[ℹ] eksctl version 0.11.1
[ℹ] using region us-east-2
[ℹ] setting availability zones to [us-east-2b us-east-2c us-east-2a]
[ℹ] subnets for us-east-2b - public: private:
[ℹ] subnets for us-east-2c - public: private:
[ℹ] subnets for us-east-2a - public: private:
[ℹ] using Kubernetes version 1.14
[ℹ] creating EKS cluster "fargate-tutorial-cluster" in "us-east-2" region with Fargate profile
[ℹ] if you encounter any issues, check CloudFormation console or try 'eksctl utils describe-stacks --region=us-east-2 --cluster=fargate-tutorial-cluster'
[ℹ] CloudWatch logging will not be enabled for cluster "fargate-tutorial-cluster" in "us-east-2"
[ℹ] you can enable it with 'eksctl utils update-cluster-logging --region=us-east-2 --cluster=fargate-tutorial-cluster'
[ℹ] Kubernetes API endpoint access will use default of {publicAccess=true, privateAccess=false} for cluster "fargate-tutorial-cluster" in "us-east-2"
[ℹ] 1 task: { create cluster control plane "fargate-tutorial-cluster" }
[ℹ] building cluster stack "eksctl-fargate-tutorial-cluster-cluster"
[ℹ] deploying stack "eksctl-fargate-tutorial-cluster-cluster"
[✔] all EKS cluster resources for "fargate-tutorial-cluster" have been created
[✔] saved kubeconfig as "/Users/abhishek.ray/.kube/config"
[ℹ] creating Fargate profile "fp-default" on EKS cluster "fargate-tutorial-cluster"
[ℹ] created Fargate profile "fp-default" on EKS cluster "fargate-tutorial-cluster"
[ℹ] "coredns" is now schedulable onto Fargate
[ℹ] "coredns" is now scheduled onto Fargate
[ℹ] "coredns" pods are now scheduled onto Fargate
[ℹ] kubectl command should work with "/Users/abhishek.ray/.kube/config", try 'kubectl get nodes'
[✔] EKS cluster "fargate-tutorial-cluster" in "us-east-2" region is ready

You can confirm that the cluster is up and running successfully by running the following command. You should see that the nodes should say something like fargate-ip-.

kubectl get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 2m15s v1.14.8-eks Ready <none> 2m23s v1.14.8-eks

Also, run the following command and note the VPC Id for the cluster since we will need to use that in the following step.

eksctl get cluster --region us-east-2 --name fargate-tutorial-cluster -o yaml

You should see output like the following (I have ommitted some of the output for brevity). In my case, the VPC Id is vpc-0d6db56df56a24df4.

- Arn: arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:945568844480:cluster/fargate-tutorial-cluster
Name: fargate-tutorial-cluster
PlatformVersion: eks.5
ClusterSecurityGroupId: sg-05fcf3f946eb02905
EndpointPrivateAccess: false
EndpointPublicAccess: true
- sg-096e4003269513e35
- subnet-04d862001fbde9988
- subnet-03b8282166aa15ee2
- subnet-0016581d3ee8f9084
- subnet-0c2be351682b1781d
- subnet-07f5209ad5776a11c
- subnet-07ca8bec32d9e5c38
VpcId: vpc-0d6db56df56a24df4
RoleArn: arn:aws:iam::945568844480:role/eksctl-fargate-tutorial-cluster-cluste-ServiceRole-MRI84BGGOYKB
Status: ACTIVE
Tags: {}
Version: "1.14"

Setup the AWS ALB ingress controller

Next, we will setup the AWS ALB Ingress controller so that we can allow external traffic to access our application.

Download these two maifest files locally:

  • The rbac_role manifest gives appropriate permissions to the ALB ingress controller to communicate with the EKS cluster we created earlier.
  • The ALB ingress controller creates an Ingress Controller which uses ALB.

Before we can apply these manifests, we need to uncomment and edit the following fields in the ALB Ingress Controller manifest:

  • cluster-name: The name of the cluster. In this case, we will use fargate-tutorial-cluster.
  • vpc-id: VPC ID of the cluster. We saw how to access this field in the section above.
  • aws-region: The region for your EKS cluster.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS access key id that ALB controller can use to communicate with AWS. For this tutorial, we will add the access key in plaintext in the file. However, for a production setup, it is recommended to use a project like kube2iam for providing IAM Access.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS secret access key id that ALB controller can use to communicate with AWS. For this tutorial, we will add the access key in plaintext in the file. However, for a production setup, it is recommended to use a project like kube2iam for providing IAM Access.

Deploy the modified alb-ingress-controller

Once the appropriate fields have been added to the ingress controller, we can go ahead and create those resources on the cluster.

kubectl apply -f rbac-role.yaml created created
serviceaccount/alb-ingress-controller created

kubectl apply -f alb-ingress-controller.yaml
deployment.apps/alb-ingress-controller created

After applying the manifests, you can check the status of the ingress controller and you should be able to see logs like this:

kubectl logs -n kube-system $(kubectl get po -n kube-system | egrep -o "alb-ingress[a-zA-Z0-9-]+")  
AWS ALB Ingress controller
Release: v1.1.3
Build: git-0db46039

W1215 23:13:50.174793 1 client_config.go:549] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work.
I1215 23:13:50.234381 1 controller.go:121] kubebuilder/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="alb-ingress-controller" "source"={"Type":{"metadata"
I1215 23:13:50.234756 1 controller.go:121] kubebuilder/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting EventSource" "controller"="alb-ingress-controller" "source"={"Type":{"metadata"

I1215 23:13:50.235812 1 leaderelection.go:205] attempting to acquire leader lease kube-system/ingress-controller-leader-alb...
I1215 23:13:50.251098 1 leaderelection.go:214] successfully acquired lease kube-system/ingress-controller-leader-alb
I1215 23:13:50.351574 1 controller.go:134] kubebuilder/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting Controller" "controller"="alb-ingress-controller"
I1215 23:13:50.451834 1 controller.go:154] kubebuilder/controller "level"=0 "msg"="Starting workers" "controller"="alb-ingress-controller" "worker count"=1

Setup a Python web application

For this tutorial, we will setup a simple Python web application which can be found at

This webapp returns Hello, world! whenever a request is made.

Clone the repo

First, we will clone the sample repo and use that as the application we want to deploy to the EKS cluster. This repository also contains the Kubernetes manifests required for our application.

git clone

Create a new repo on AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

Next, we will create a new repository to store our Docker images.

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name fargate-tutorial
"repository": {
"repositoryArn": "arn:aws:ecr:us-east-2:945568844480:repository/fargate-tutorial",
"registryId": "945568844480",
"repositoryName": "fargate-tutorial",
"repositoryUri": "",
"createdAt": 1576452024.0,
"imageTagMutability": "MUTABLE",
"imageScanningConfiguration": {
"scanOnPush": false

Copy the repositoryUri from above as we will need to build our docker image.

Build a Docker image

To be able to deploy our application onto Kubernetes, we need to create a Docker image for our application. The following commands will create a new Docker image and add the appropriate tag to the image so that it can be used by our EKS cluster.

docker build -t fargate-tutorial:1 .
docker tag fargate-tutorial:1

Push the Docker image

We need to push the Docker image to ECR so that it can be accessed by the EKS cluster.

Before we can push the image to ECR, we need to authenticate the Docker CLI. Run the following command and note the output of the command.

aws ecr get-login --region us-east-2 --no-include-email


docker login -u AWS -p password

Copy and paste the output from above and you should see something like: Login Succeeded

Once you have logged in successfully, you should now be able to push your Docker image using:

docker push

Deploy Application to EKS Cluster

There are 4 manifest files under the kubernetes folder in the repository linked above. These files are:

  • Namespace: Creates a new Namespace for our application
  • Deployment: Creates a Deployment object for our application
  • Service: Creates a Service object for our application
  • Ingress: Setup ingress for the application so that it is accessible externally

First, we need to create a new Fargate profile since we will be using a new namespace for our application. EKS on Fargate by default only supports pods running in the default and kube-system namespaces.

eksctl create fargateprofile --namespace python-web --cluster fargate-tutorial-cluster --region us-east-2


[ℹ] creating Fargate profile "fp-38ddf319" on EKS cluster "fargate-tutorial-cluster"
[ℹ] created Fargate profile "fp-38ddf319" on EKS cluster "fargate-tutorial-cluster"

Once, the Fargate profile is created, we can create a new namespace for our application:

kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
kubectl get ns

default Active 55m
kube-node-lease Active 55m
kube-public Active 55m
kube-system Active 55m
python-web Active 8s

Then, we create a service for our application:

kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl get svc -n python-web

python-web NodePort <none> 80:32026/TCP 9s

Next, we will create the deployment for the application:

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

The pod will initially be in a Pending state and will eventually become Ready if we can bring it up successfully.

kubectl get pods -n python-web

python-web-5744b776c5-2xrvw 0/1 Pending 0 9s
kubectl get pods -n python-web

python-web-5744b776c5-2xrvw 1/1 Running 0 94s

Lastly, we will apply ingress manifest to expose our application to the public internet.

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ingress.yaml

To check the status of the ingress, we can run the following command. Note the Address in the output since this is public URL for our application.

kubectl describe ing -n python-web python-web
Name: python-web
Namespace: python-web
Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (<none>)
Host Path Backends
---- ---- --------
/ python-web:80 (
Annotations: internet-facing ip {"apiVersion":"extensions/v1beta1","kind":"Ingress","metadata":{"annotations":{"":"internet-facing","":"ip","":"alb"},"name":"python-web","namespace":"python-web"},"spec":{"rules":[{"http":{"paths":[{"backend":{"serviceName":"python-web","servicePort":80},"path":"/"}]}}]}} alb
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal CREATE 7s alb-ingress-controller LoadBalancer e577236e-pythonweb-pythonw-0d03 created, ARN: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-2:945568844480:loadbalancer/app/e5
Normal CREATE 6s alb-ingress-controller rule 1 created with conditions [{ Field: "path-pattern", Values: ["/"] }]

The ALB can take a few minutes to be functional. Once it is functional, we should be able to access it by hitting the endpoint:


Hello, World!

Congrats, your web application is up and running on Kubernetes.

(Optional) Deleting the cluster

Finally, you can run the following command to delete the cluster we just created.

eksctl delete cluster --region=us-east-2 --name fargate-tutorial-cluster


With the addition of EKS on Fargate, Amazon has made it simpler to run Kubernetes applications. I am excited to see more improvements in this space as AWS keeps lowering the effort needed for developers to run and deploy their applications.