
AWS offers a broad selection of datastores and therefore, it is important to choose the right datastore for your application. Amazon Elasticache is a fully-managed in-memory data store that supports both Redis and Memcached. In-memory databases provide low latency lookups and high throughput.

Common use-cases for Elasticache are:

  • Caching
  • Real-time data analysis
  • Leaderboards
  • Chat rooms


Fully Managed

AWS is responsible for managing the entire infrastructure including updates, configuration, and monitoring.


AWS provides non-disruptive scaling for Elasticache. Reads can be scaled by adding more replicas. Writes and memory can be scaled with sharding.

Highly Available

Elasticache is reliable and highly available. Elasticache clusters are deployed across multiple AZs. AWS also provides automatic failovers with minimal downtime.

Amazon Elasticache Engines

Elasticache supports two different in-memory databases:

  • Redis
  • Memcached

The table below lists some of the differences between Redis & Memached:

  Redis Memcached
Primary use case In-memory database & cache Cache
Data model In-memory key-value In-memory key-value
Data structures Strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes, hyperloglog Strings, objects
High availability & failover Yes No

AWS Elasticache for Redis

Redis is the most popular in-memory database and is more widely adopted than Memcached. For the rest of this article, we will focus on Redis and how to use it with Elasticache.

Redis data structures

Redis provides a rich set of data structures. In a traditional key-value store, the value is limited to a simple string. However, in Redis, the value can hold complex data structures. These data structures enable Redis to be used for a variety of different applications and use-cases as we will see later in this article.

Some of these data structures are:

  • Binary-safe string
  • Lists
  • Set
  • Sorted set: similar to set, but every string element is associated with a score. The elements are sorted by their score.
  • Hash
  • Streams

This article provides a more in-depth explanation of the various data structures supported by Redis.

Redis Cluster mode

Elasticache makes it easier to scale Redis clusters. When creating a new Elasticache cluster, you have the option to choose from one of three cluster configurations:

  • A single node
  • Cluster mode disabled
  • Cluster Mode enabled

The three modes differ primarily in reliability, availability, and scaling behavior.

The following table lists the key differences between the two cluster modes (a single node cluster with no replication should not be used for production workloads):

  Cluster Mode Disabled Cluster Mode Enabled
Replication Yes (up to 5 replicas per node) Yes (up to 5 replicas per node)
Data Partitioning No (single shard) Yes (up to 250 shards)
Scaling Change node type (vertical scaling) Add / remove shards and rebalance (horizontal scaling)
Performance Throughput limited by 1 primary, 5 replicas Throughput scales with number of shards
Multi-AZ Optional with at least 1 replica Required
Failover Writes affected on entire dataset; Reads available Writes affected on partial dataset (shard); Reads available

Redis Sharding

In this section, we will take a closer look at how sharding (data partitioning) works in Elasticache.

If cluster mode is disabled, there is only one shard. The shard comprises the primary node along with the read replicas. Read replicas maintain a copy of the data from the cluster’s primary node.

Elasticache allows up to 250 shards for a Redis cluster that has Cluster-Mode enabled. Each shard has a primary node and up to 5 read replicas. Elasticache distributes the keyspace evenly across all the shards. When reading or writing data to the cluster, the client itself determines which shard to use based on the keyspace. This design pushes the work to the client and avoids any potential single points of failure.

Cluster Scaling

Elasticache clusters with Cluster-Mode enabled can also leverage online re-sharding and shard rebalancing dynamically with no downtime or application interruption.

Scaling activities that are supported are:

  • Scale-out - Increasing read and write capacity by adding more shards.
  • Scale-in - Reduce read and write capacity by removing shards
  • Rebalancing - Move keyspaces among shards

A summary of different methods of scaling Redis clusters is provided in the table below:

  Vertical scaling Horizontal scaling
Action All instances (including replicas) are changed Individual shards are added or removed
Cost Cluster-wide change Incremental change
Impact Clients reconnect Clients stay connected
Support Cluster-Mode enabled and disabled Cluster-Mode enabled

Use-cases & Patterns

In this section, we will look at some of the most popular use-cases for Redis.


Caching is the most common reason for using an in-memory key-value store. The two widely used caching patterns are:

  • Cache-aside (or lazy loading): In this pattern, the application first queries the cache to see if the data is available. If the data is available (cache hit), the cached data is returned. If the data isn’t available (cache miss), the database is queried for the data. The cache is then populated with the data retrieved from the database.

  • Write-through cache: In a write-through cache, the cache is proactively updated immediately following an update on the primary database.

Message Queues / Pub-Sub

It is possible to build message queues using Redis Streams. This article gives an overview of how Redis Streams help in facilitating message queues. If you are interested in a comparison between Amazon SQS and Redis Streams, check out this article.


Leaderboards can be efficiently built using the Sorted Set data structure on Redis. This article provides an example of how to build a leaderboard using Elasticache.


Redis’ Geospatial data structure makes it easier to build location-based apps. This article provides an overview of how to build a bike-sharing application using the Geospatial data structure.


Amazon Elasticache is one of the most popular AWS services. It is helpful to understand the key concepts and features of Elasticache so that you can use it for the right use-case and maximize its performance.